The Clean It Forward™ program helps to create manufacturing and warehousing jobs for MicrofiberBroker.com and other companies. We have a handful of partners that work to help fold, count, sort, package, warehouse and ship orders for our microfiber and other cleaning products. We have partnered with DesertArc to join their teams of physical and developmentally disabled "clients" as they are referred (yes we are serving them just like they are serving our company), to create a warehouse and assembly location that attends to the special needs and supervision required of some disabled partners while also creating a job opportunity for them they would otherwise not have out in the competitive job market.
Payday for all our partners and others at the MicrofiberBroker/DesertArc warehouse and assembly facility, is a very hart-warming experience. The group of disabled clients erupts into spontaneous applause as the payroll checks are delivered to be dispersed amongst the job holders. The smile on the face of each partner when they receive their paycheck shows their sincere gratitude.
We all could learn a little about gratitude from our friends and partners from Clean It Forward™ and DesertArc.

Learn more about how we all Do Well by Doing Good. Read stories and be inspired on our Facebook page Clean It Forward™